Page 27 - E-Brochure_IMI Bhubaneswar
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Prof. Behl, Ramesh

         Director & Professor

                                   Teaching areas:
                                   Information Management, Business Analytics, Enterprise Systems, E-Business

                                   Research interests:
                                   Business Analytics, E-Business, Cloud & Mobile Systems, CRM

          Selected Publications                                Research Articles/Case Studies

          Author of 27 books, some of the selected                “Readiness  for  Online  Learning  in  Business
          books are:                                              Schools in India”, Co-authored, published in a
             “Information  Technology  for  Management            book  “World  Sustainable  Development
             3/e”, The book is published by Tata McGraw           Outlook 2007 – Knowledge Management and
             Hill, 2021.                                          Sustainable  Development  in  the  21st
                                                                  Century”, published by Greenleaf Publishing,
             “Entrepreneurship        and       Regional          UK,    October,   2007,    hardback,    ISBN
             Development Analyzing Growth Models in               978-1-906093-02-0
             Emerging  Markets”  –  Edited.  Book  is
             published  by  Palgrave  Macmillan,  USA,            IT  Service  Management,  “Management
             October, 2020.                                       Information  Systems,11/e”,  McGraw  Hill
                                                                  Education, pp 418-419, 2019

             “Management  Information  Systems  11/e”,
             Co-authored. The book is published by        connecting  India  village  by
             McGraw Hill Education, 2019.                         village,  “Management  Information  Systems,
                                                                  7/e”,  McGraw  Hill  Education,  pp  531-539,
             “Innovation,   Technology,    and    Market          2007.     Revised    in    10/e    &     11/e,
             Ecosystems -- Managing Industrial Growth             pp422-426/144-147, 2103 & 2019.
             in  Emerging  Markets”  –  Edited.  Book  is
             published  by  Palgrave  Macmillan,  USA,            Indian Distribution Ltd., “Management Infor-
             October, 2019.                                       mation Systems, 7/e”, McGraw Hill Education,
                                                                  pp 549-551, 2007. Revised in 10/e & 11/e, pp
             ‘Business  Governance  and  Society  –               626-632/334-337, 2013 & 2019.
             Analyzing Shifts, Conflicts, and Challenges”
             –  Edited.  Book  is  published  by  Palgrave        IT  for  Success,  “Information  Technology  for
             Macmillan, USA, October, 2018.                       Management”, McGraw Hill Education, pp
                                                                  2-4, 2009, 2012 & 2021
             ‘Start-Up  Enterprises  and  Contemporary
             Innovation    Strategies   in   the   Global         Role of Information Technology in the
             Marketplace’ – Edited. Book is published by          Processed  Food  Industry,  “Management
             IGI-Global  Publisher  of  USA    in  November       Information Systems, 7/e”, McGraw Hill Edu-
             2017                                                 cation,  pp  558-563,  2007.  Revised  in  11/e,
                                                                  pp-619-623, 2019
             “Business  Analytics  and  Cyber  Security
             Management  in  Organizations”  –  Edited.           The Spark Batteries Ltd., “Management Infor-
             Book is published by IGI Global Publishers of        mation Systems, 9/e”, McGraw Hill Education,
             USA in December, 2016.                               pp 48-49, 2010. Revised in the 10/e & 11/e, pp
                                                                  60-61/52-53, 2013 & 2019
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