Page 49 - E-Brochure_IMI Bhubaneswar
P. 49

Student clubs and committees

            Colosseum                                           Fintellects
            (Marketing Club)                                    (Finance Club)

            Colosseum is the Marketing Club, which is a         The club focuses on delivering knowledge on
            platform where students get an opportunity to       different areas of the finance sector including
            blend marketing theories with real-time             Investment Banking, Capital Markets,
            applications. It also keeps the student             Corporate Finance, and International Finance.
            fraternity abreast with the latest happenings       The club works closely with career
            in the arena of marketing and branding. The         management professionals and corporate
            members of the club share a keen passion for        recruiters to put on events for students with
            marketing, innovative thinking and, above all,      the objective to guide students as they
            zeal to learn by doing. The club also looks into    prepare for careers in the finance sector.
            organizing guest lectures by industry experts,      Finally, the club seeks to promote
            seminars and workshops, competitions,               communication between IMI Bhubaneswar’s
            quizzes and serving as a point of contact for       alumni that have developed finance careers
            all marketing events.                               and current members of The Finance Club.

             Insignia (HR Club)                                 Public Policy Club

             This is the official HR club of IMI                 The club works to provide an understanding
             Bhubaneswar. In today’s evolving industries        of public policy to students, allowing them to
             it is essential to manage human potential          undertake critical analysis of public policy
             effectively and efficiently. There are various      decisions and comprehend the nuances of
             concerning areas in the domain of HRM, like-       multi-level interaction between government,
             employer branding, talent management and           business and society in the national and
             acquisition and retention of human resources.      international environment. The club
             Through this club, we would like to provide        encourages debates, dialogues and sharing
             valuable insights into the field of HRM and         of ideas on various forums to augment
             give an overview of how the HR industry is         theoretical knowledge with practical learning
             growing and developing tackling the                while sensitizing the student about the policy
             challenges posed by various factors.               issues which plague the society around us.

             Branding Committee                                 Media and PR Committee

             The Branding Committee is here to take care        The Media and Public Relations Committee is
             of all the admission related discussions,          IMI Bhubaneswar’s source of interaction with
             queries and suggestions from and to the            the outside world. Any kind of information
             prospective students. Through the committee,       flow is through the Media and PR committee.
             the IMI Bhubaneswar fraternity tries to help       It is committed to providing all kinds of
             prospective students have a clearer picture of     relevant information about the BSchool and is
             their future and guide them through the            one of the core committees of the school.

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