Page 51 - E-Brochure_IMI Bhubaneswar
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Centre of Excellence for Corporate

          Governance & Social Responsibility

             To  serve  as  a  resource  centre  in  the  areas  of  good  governance,  social  responsibility  and  corporate
             citizenship for sustainable development of corporations both in the public and private sector,

             To organize national and international conferences, round tables, seminars, guest lecturers and other
             similar events on the above subjects,

             To  document  and  publish  best  practices  of  corporate  governance  and  social  responsibility  for
             dissemination and awareness creation,

             To  provide  a  forum  for  consulting,  capacity  building  and  research,  and  build  association  with
             government agencies, industry bodies and academic institutions working in these areas,

             To analyze critical issues like adequacy of legal and regulatory framework of corporate governance,
             effectiveness of Board of Directors, and Board sub committees, strategic management issues, role of
             Independent  Directors,  protection  of  shareholder  interests  and  adequacy  of  financial  reporting  and

             To study governance challenges in state-owned enterprises and recommend reform initiatives for
             empowerment of these enterprises,

             To undertake training, orientation and evaluation of CEOs, Directors, Independent Directors and other
             senior executives and managers of the corporations.

          IMI Incubation                                          E-CELL

          Foundation                                              IMI has a very active Entrepreneurship-Cell

                                                                  (E-Cell). It is a platform for the students to
          The Institute started this Centre to promote a culture   develop as future entrepreneurs. E- Cell
          of innovation. This Centre provides a platform for      conducts various events such as boot camp,
          young minds to become creative and receptive to         business plan, etc. It has tied up with NEN for
          new ideas. It also opens up avenues for academics,      course work for students. It also conducts
          scholars, industry people to come together and work     entrepreneurship awareness camps,
          on new research projects and innovate.
                                                                  entrepreneurship development programme in
                                                                  collaboration with EDII and IED (under MSME,

          Objectives                                              Odisha). Many workshops / events have been
                                                                  conducted by E-Cell in collaboration with
                                                                  bodies like TiE Bhubaneswar Chapter, ICC
             To promote innovation culture among
             students                                             Kolkata etc. It regularly invites entrepreneurs
                                                                  for talks on its campus. IMI Bhubaneswar has
             To provide a platform for idea generation and
             discussions                                          also set up an Incubation Center to support
                                                                  new ideas and start-ups.
             To organize round tables, conferences and

             To develop innovative business models and

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