Page 48 - E-Brochure_IMI Bhubaneswar
P. 48

Students from Diverse Backgrounds

          IMI  Bhubaneswar  seeks  meritorious  students  with  who  possess  a  spirit  of  curiosity,  enthusiasm  and
          calculated risk taking. The selection process for the programme has been designed to identify such
          individuals. Participants for the PGDM programme may be from any discipline such as Engineering,
          Humanities, Commerce, Economics, Medicine or any other branch of education. Fresh graduates as well as
          candidates with relevant work experience are welcome to apply.

          IMI Bhubaneswar is fortunate to have a diverse pool of students where our students come from a variety
          of academic backgrounds, regions, experiences etc.

          Student Activities


          Sparx is an attempt to bring the best brains of India together for competitive and healthy development. The
          objective is to supplement academic learning with inputs from developments and day to day happenings
          in the industrial forefront, and help people develop acumen for the same. The event encourages students
          to achieve academic excellence and increase their awareness of the world around them by creating interest
          among them for pursuit of knowledge. It will empower students with a new understanding of what has
          been, what is now and what can be.


          Phronesis is characterized as the "wisdom to take counsel", to judge the goods and evils and all the things
          in life that are desirable and to be avoided, to use all the available goods finely, to behave rightly in society,
          to observe due occasions, to employ both speech and action with sagacity, to have expert knowledge of all
          things that are useful.
          International  Management  Institute,  Bhubaneswar  takes  the  meaning  of  phronesis  a  step  forward  by
          encouraging the management graduates to think beyond the regular course curriculum and come out with
          solutions, which will not only help the corporate world but also society as a whole. It attempts to act as a
          platform for future managers to voice their opinions and garner their thoughts through a plethora of events
          including management games, paper presentations, cultural events and adventure games.


          Jazbaa is a two day sports event, run by IMI B since 2013. Different competitions in Cricket, Volleyball,
          Table Tennis, Chess etc. are organized among teams of participating institutions coming from various cities
          around Bhubaneswar.

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