Page 34 - E-Brochure_IMI Bhubaneswar
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Prof. Katiyar, Rajesh

          Assistant Professor

                                    Teaching areas:
                                    Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques

                                    Research interests:
                                    Supply Chain Management, Sustainability, MCDM

          Latest Selected Publications                             Won Highly Commended Award for Emerald
                                                                   / Indian Academy of Management (IAM)
             Mahapatra,  D.,  Katiyar,  R.,  Parida,  R.,  &       South  Asia  Management  Research  Fund
             Kumar,  D.  (2021).  A  Fuzzy  Multi-criteria         Award 2012 on “Problem and Prospects of
             Approach for Evaluating the Contribution of           Compost Marketing in Uttarakhand, India”.
             Freight Transportation towards India’s
             Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).            Won  Best  Paper  Award  for  Emerging
             International   Journal    of    Production           Enrollments Trends of Higher Education in
             Research,    Taylor   &    Francis,   59(9),          USA  and  India  in  ICTEHM  Conference,
             2857-2884. (A Rank in ABDC, SCIE, Scopus              Singapore, 2015.
             Indexed & IF-8.568).

             Katiyar,  R.,  &  Badola,  S.  (2018).  Modelling   External Activities/
             the Barriers to Online Banking in the Indian
             Scenario:  An  ISM  Approach.  Journal  of        Membership
             Modelling  in  Management,  Emerald,  13(3),          Life Associate Member: Indian Institution of
             550-569. (C Rank in ABDC, ESCI & Scopus               Industrial  Engineering     (IIIE),  Mumbai,
             Indexed).                                             India-Membership No.: LAM – 9666 (99).

             Katiyar,  R.,  Meena,  P.L.,  Barua,  M.K.,
             Tibrewala, R., & Kumar, G. (2018). Impact of      Qualification
             Sustainability and Manufacturing Practices
             on  Supply  Chain  Performance:  Findings             PhD Supply Chain Management- IIT
             from an Emerging Economy. International               Roorkee, Roorkee
             Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier,            M.Tech. Future Studies & Planning- Devi
             197,  303-316.  (A  Rank  in  ABDC,  SCIE,            Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
             Scopus Indexed & IF-7.885).
                                                                   M.Sc. Mathematics- Christ Church College,
             Katiyar,  R.,  Barua,  M.K.,  &  Meena,  P.L.         Kanpur
             (2015).  Modelling  the  Measures  of  Supply         B.Sc. PCM - V.S.S.D. College, Kanpur
             Chain    Performance      in   the    Indian
             Automotive  Industry.  Benchmarking:  An
             International   Journal,   Emerald,   22(4),      Past Positions
             665-696. (B Rank in ABDC, ESCI & Scopus
             Indexed).                                             Visiting Lecturer- Christ Church College,
         Awards & Honours                                          Project Assistant- IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur
             Recipient of the MHRD Fellowship for PhD              Assistant Professor- IMS Unison University,
             (July, 2010 – July, 2014) at IIT Roorkee.             Dehradun

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