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Prof. Mishra, Manit


                                   Teaching areas:
                                   Marketing & Quantitative Techniques

                                   Research interests:
                                   Unstructured data mining; Multivariate consumer behavior analysis

         Latest Selected Publications                             Mishra,   M.    &   Banerjee,    M.   (2019).
                                                                  Non-coercive  influence:  Scale  development
                                                                  and validation based on resource and
          Books/Book Chapter                                      relational paradigms. Journal of Purchasing

             Mishra, B. B. and Mishra, M.  (2008). Retail         and Supply Management, 25(3) (2018 JCR I.F.
             Marketing,  Vrinda  Publications,  New  Delhi.       =  3.089;  WoS-SSCI  indexed;  ABDC  “A”
             (ISBN-978-81-8281-133-1).                            category;     SCOPUS       indexed).    [DOI:

          Research Articles/Case studies
                                                              Awards & Honours
             Ali,  S.,  Mishra,  M.,  &  Javed,  H.M.U.  (2021).
             The impact of mall personality and                   Awarded  1st  Prize  in  “Case  Analysis  and
             shopping  value  on  shoppers'  well-being:          Presentation Competition,” organized by
             moderating role of compulsive shopping.              SAM, Bhubaneswar, Odisha on 13 November
             International Journal of Retail & Distribution       2010.
             Management, 49 (8), 1178-1197. (2020 JCR
             I.F. = 3.771; WoS-SSCI indexed; ABDC “A”         External Activities/ Membership
             category;    SCOPUS       indexed).    [DOI:
             10.1108/IJRDM-07-2020-0272].                         Associate  Editor,  Global  Business  Review
                                                                  (ISSN:  0972-1509)  published  by  SAGE
             Alaparthi, S., & Mishra, M. (2021). BERT: a          Publications  for  IMI,  New  Delhi  [A  “C”
             sentiment analysis odyssey. Journal of               category journal in ABDC list].
             Marketing Analytics, 9(2), 118-126. (ABDC
             “C” category; SCOPUS indexed; Cite Score         Qualification
             2019  =  0.80;  SJR  2019  =  0.15).  [DOI:          PhD, Business Administration and
             10.1057/s41270-021-00109-8]                          Management- Utkal University,

             Behl, R., & Mishra, M. (2020). COVID-19 and
             India: what next? Information Discovery and          Masters in Business Administration and
             Delivery.  (WoS-ESCI  indexed;  ABDC  “C”            Management- Dr. BR Ambedkar University,
             category; SCOPUS indexed; Cite Score 2019            Agra
             =   1.2;   SJR    2019     =   0.2).   [DOI:
                                                              Past Positions
             Mishra,  M.  (2018).  For  Indian  online            HOD, Department of Business Management,
             shoppers, have saying and doing parted               CV    Raman      College    of   Engineering,
             ways? Psychology & Marketing, 35(1), 5-19.           Bhubaneswar, Odisha
             (2017 JCR I.F. = 2.023; WoS-SSCI indexed;
             ABDC  “A”  category;  SCOPUS  indexed).
             [DOI: 10.1002/mar.21067]

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