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Prof. Panigrahi, Ramakrushna


                                   Teaching areas:
                                   Economics; International Business

                                   Research interests:
                                   Development Economics

          Latest Selected Publications                        Qualification

             Panigrahi Ramakrushna (2021),                        Ph. D. in Economics from Institute for Social
             “Economics of Subsidies in a Welfare State:          and  Economic  Change  (ISEC),  Bangalore,
             Dynamics of Populist Policies and Farm               India.  Degree  awarded  by  University  of
             profitability” Global Business Review, 22(3)          Mysore. (1995-2001)
             705–717, 2021
                                                                  M. Phil. in Economics from Centre for
             Panigrahi  Ramakrushna  (2014),  “Maruti             Development Studies, Trivandrum. Degree
             Suzuki India Limited: Sustaining                     awarded  by  Jawaharlal  Nehru  University,
             Profitability” IVEY Case Number 9B14M115              New Delhi, India (1993-1995)
             published by IVEY Publishing and available
             at the following link:                               M.A. in Economics from University of
                Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.  Passed in First
             px?id=67982                                          Division  (1991-93)

             Case  Panigrahi  Ramakrushna  (2019),
             “Indigo Airlines: Monopolizing Indian Skies”     Past Positions
             IVEY Case Number 9B19M028 published by
             IVEY Publishing                                      Professor, MATS Institute for Management
                                                                  and Entrepreneurship (2008–2012)
          Awards and Honours
                                                                  Associate Professor, MATS School of Business
             Awarded  an  INSTITUTIONAL  DOCTORAL                 & IT, Bangalore (2005–2008)
             FELLOWSHIP by ISEC.
                                                                  Faculty Member, ICFAI Business School,
             Recipient of Prof. D.M. Nanjundappa Award            Bangalore (2001- 2005)
             by ISEC
                                                                  Economist, Chemols InfoTech Private Limited
                                                                  (2000- 2001)

          External Activities/ Membership                         Foundation to Aid Industrial Recovery
             Member, Orissa Economic Association

             Referee for "The Journal of Human
             Development"     and    "Global    Business

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