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Prof. Panigrahi, Swayam Sampurna

          Assistant Professor

                                    Teaching areas:
                                    Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques

                                    Research interests:
                                    Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Industry 4.0, Lean Operations

          Latest Selected Publications                         Awards and Honours

          International papers                                     Winner of Outstanding Paper, Emerald
                                                                   Literati  Award  by  Emerald  Publishing
             Panigrahi,  S.  S.,  &  Rao,  N.  S.  (2018).  A      House, Bingley, UK, 2020-21.
             stakeholders’ perspective on barriers to
             adopt sustainable practices in MSME supply            Winner  of  Emerald  Literati  Award  by
             chain:  Issues  and  challenges  in  the  textile     Emerald  Publishing  House,  Bingley,  UK,
             sector. Research Journal of Textile and               2019-20.
             Apparel,  Vol.  22,  No.1,  pp.  59-76.  (Scopus
             Indexed)                                              MSME  Fellowship  at  NIMSME,  Hyderabad,
                                                                   Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, 2017-18.
             Bahinipati, B. K., & Panigrahi, S. S. (2018). A
             framework  for  sustainable  supply  chains:          WIPRO  XUB  Best  Paper  Award  in
             evaluation of implementation barriers.                Sustainability Summit 2016-17.
             International    Journal    of    Intelligent
             Enterprise,  Vol.5,  No.3,  pp.  231-265.             TEQIP scholarship from MHRD, Govt. of
             (Scopus Indexed, ABDC- C Category)                    India 2013-15.

             Panigrahi,  S.  S.,  Bahinipati,  B.  K.,  Jain,  V.   Qualification
             (2018).    Sustainable     Supply     Chain
             Management:  A  Review  of  Literature  and           B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering- Biju
             implications    for    Future     Research.           Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela
             Management of Environmental Quality: An
             International  Journal.  Vol.  30  No.  5,  pp.       M.Tech. Production Engineering- Veer
             1001-1049 (Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor              Surendra University of Technology, Burla
                                                                   PhD Sustainable Supply Chain
             Mathiyazhagan, K., Rajak, S., Sampurna                Management, Xavier University
             Panigrahi, S., Agarwal, V. and Manani, D.             Bhubaneswar
             (2021), "Reverse supply chain management
             in  manufacturing  industry:  a  systematic           Research Fellow under MSME Fellowship
             review", International Journal of Productivity        by National Institute of Micro, Small and
             and Performance Management, Vol. 70 No.               Medium Enterprises (NIMSME), Hyderabad
             4, pp. 859-892. (Scopus Indexed, ABDC- B
             Category)                                         Past Positions
                                                                   Assistant Professor- Institute of Public
                                                                   Enterprise, Hyderabad

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