Research Associate, Euromonitor International.
As a proud student of IM Bhubaneswar, I can still recall my two-year stint with vivid details. Our faculties were nothing less than our mentors, with a healthy attitude towards providing utmost guidance beyond classrooms and supporting us. Their pedagogy involved a multi pronged approach towards academics, which not only focused on management 'fundas', technical knowledge and case studies but also focused on our personality development, critical thinking and enhancing our inherent skills. The residential campus added to our academic growth through round the clock exposure to various curricular and extracurricular activities- be it late night GDs/tutorials, early morning classes or corporate events. The credit for supporting our careers equally lies with our programme office members and our library staff members in facilitating a conducive environment for non-stop learning. Along with building industry and theoretical knowledge, I have had a chance to build on work ethics, organizational citizenship and a sense of belongingness towards IMIB and my future endeavours. I am grateful to IMI B, but thanking them is not enough. I hope to apply their learnings and achieve significant success as a token of my gratitude.