Academic Clubs

Academic Clubs


The Media and Public Relations (PR) Committee is one of the core committee of the institute which plays a crucial role in shaping and maintaining the institution's public image, fostering communication both within the institute and with external stakeholders, and promoting the institution's achievements and initiatives. In essence, the committee is vital for enhancing the visibility, reputation, and communication efficiency of the institute. Their efforts help to build a positive public perception, engage the community, and support the institution’s growth and success.

COLOSSEUM (Marketing Club)

Colosseum is the Marketing Club which is a platform where students get an opportunity to blend marketing theories with real time application. It also keeps the student fraternity abreast with the latest happenings in the arena of marketing and branding. The members of the club share a keen passion for marketing, innovative thinking and, above all, zeal to learn by doing. The club also looks into organizing, seminars and workshops, competitions, quizzes and serving as a point of contact for all marketing events.

FINTELLECTS (Finance Club)

The club focuses on delivering knowledge on different areas of finance sector of the world economy which includes Investment Banking, Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, and International Finance. We also work closely with career management and corporate recruiters to put on events for students with the objective to guide students as they prepare for careers in finance through sponsorship of career development programmes and also with the help of the club relationships with members of the financial community. Finally, the club seeks to promote communication between IMI’s alumni that have developed finance careers and current members of The Finance Club.


This is the official HR club of IMI, Bhubaneswar.  In today’s shrinking world, it is very important to manage human potential very effectively and efficiently. We are faced by challenges from every area like employer branding, talent management and acquisition and retention of best human resource. Through this club we would like to provide valuable insights to the field of HRM and also give an overview of how the HR field is being perceived and attempt to bring a fresh perspective on HR issues and challenges that the business world faces today.


The club works to provide an understanding of public policy to students, allowing them to undertake critical analysis of public policy decisions and comprehend the nuances of multi-level interaction between government, business and society in the national and international environment. The club encourages debates, dialogues and sharing of ideas on various forums to augment theoretical knowledge with practical learning while sensitizing the student about the policy issues which plague the society around us.


The Branding Committee is here to take care of all the admission related discussions, queries and suggestions from and to the prospective students. Through the committee, the IMI Bhubaneswar fraternity tries to help prospective students have a clearer picture of their future and guide them through the process.


Cultural Committee takes care of all the fun and cultural events of this 2-year experience starting from small campfires to events and festival celebrations, picnics, annual day celebrations or any other event. It provides scope to showcase students' extra-curricular talents with a lot of fun, enjoyment, and celebration.
Literary Club: Literary Club is one of the most elite clubs of International Management Institute Bhubaneswar headed by Prof. Manit Mishra. The club aims to enhance the communication skills of the students by organizing various interactive events like MUN, debates, elevator pitches etc.

CYNOSURE (Operations Club)

Cynosure is student initiative to promote operations, production, supply chain, operations research and manufacturing studies and activities. It represents the growing interest in the field and has been the unifying platform for the students interested in pursuing a career in operations. Team Cynosure works towards generating awareness and interest about a career in operations management - the opportunities and the challenges involved. Apart from generating the interest of students about operations by conducting operations related activities, the club also tries to interact with industries as much as possible. For this we arrange for industrial visits, talk with industry personnel.


EBSB club has been set up to promote cultural exchanges between people of different regions of the country and to further human bonding. The club is a preliminary step in moving forward for upholding and strengthening the fabric of the traditionally existing emotional bonds between the students of our country. The club organizes events that promote the rich heritage, culture, customs, and traditions of Orissa and helps in developing interactions that enable the innate chord of binding and brotherhood.


The club works on giving students a thorough knowledge and hands-on experience of various analytical tools and techniques that are industry-relevant and in high demand in today’s corporate world! The club aims to share knowledge, learning new skills and tools amongst students across institutions.


Prayas is the CSR club through which we have made an effort to join hands with various stakeholders and make a difference by bringing smiles on the faces of the poor and underprivileged. We believe in giving back to the society through various activities. We act as a catalyst to make lives better for the ones who are deprived. Students organize various activities through the club to make the planet a better place to live in.