Faculty Seminars

Faculty Seminars

The Research and strategic initiatives undertakes various activities over the academic year to inculcate research orientation amongst the faculty and students. Some of the activities are listed below:

Research Seminars

It is said that “Alone We are Smart, Together We are Brilliant (Steven Anderson, Educator)”. IMI Bhubaneswar believes in this search for excellence and recognizes the fact that we can all gain through the shared knowledge. In this context IMI Bhubaneswar started Monthly Research Seminar Series. The faculty members/research scholars present their previous or ongoing research and receive feedback from their colleagues. Faculty members from other institutes are welcome to attend these research seminars.

The table below gives the snapshot of the research seminars held at IMI Bhubaneswar;

Details of the Faculty Seminar held at IMI-B


S.NoFaculty DateSubject
1 Prof. Shirshendu Ganguli 19.01.2024

Classifying Indian movie-going Audiences based on genres and theatres

2 Prof. Bindu Chhabra 19.01.2024 From loyal soldiers to bad apples: moderated mediation model of psychological entitlement and moral decoupling
3 Prof. Ranjit Roy Ghatak 16.02.2024 “An Investigation into the Barriers to Quality 4.0 Adoption in the Indian Manufacturing Sector: Insights and Implications for Industry and Policymaking”

Prof. Rajesh Katiyar

16.02.2024 “Integrated DEMATEL-ML Approach for Implementing Lean Supply Chain in Manufacturing”
5 Prof. Devesh Baid 16.02.2024

“Study of OFPOs in Odisha”

6 Prof. Amit Shrivastava 22.03.2024 “Impact of ChatGPT on Learning, and Exam Performance in Higher Education”
7 Prof. Sougata Ray 22.03.2024 eNAM -A journey to redefine farmers’ markets and market opportunities (Teaching case)
8 Prof. Manaswita Bharadwaja 17.05.2024 “Exploring Empowering Leadership from a Socio-Cultural Lens”
9 Prof. Rahul Gupta Choudhury 17.05.2024 “Relationship between Population, Urbanization, and GDP Per Capita among the various regions of the World”
10 Prof. Pratyush Banerjee 21.06.2024 How Employers' Cybervetting Practices in Social Media Platforms affect Jobseekers' Cyber Faking Intentions and their Subsequent Application Process
11 Prof. P C Biswal 19.07.2024    Corruption, Governance Structure and Innovation: A Firm Level Study of G-7 vs. BRICS
12 Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 16.08.2024    An analysis into Education and Earnings at PGDM level
13 Prof. Supriti Mishra 20.09.2024    Do External Stakeholders Influence CSR Reporting in a Mandatory CSR Regime India?
14 Prof. Amit Shrivastava & Prof. Devesh Baid 18.10.2024    E commerce adoption by MSME sector in Odisha
S.No External Faculty Date Subject
1 Prof. Rohit Sharma 02.08.2024    Impact of Blockchain Technology in Agri-Food Supply Chains
2 Prof. Daniel Roque Gomes 27.09.2024    Sustainable Human Resources Management and Internal Communication: evaluating impacts over the worker-organization relation


S.NoFaculty DateSubject
1. Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 17.06.2023 Package SEMinR for conducting PLS-SEM
2. Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 17.06.2023 College Choice and HEI Communications: A mediation analysis using PLS-SEM
3. Prof. Aritra Pan 15.07.2023 What after bibliometric? Exploring an experimental model of BERT-ARM for Topic Recommendation
4. Prof. Debidutta Pattnaik 19.08.2023 Does Women on Board Impact the Operational Risk of Indian Firms?
5. Prof. Pritish Kumar Sahu 19.08.2023 The Effect of research intensity on TFP in OECD countries during 1890-2018: Evidence from a new Poisson Pseudo MLE approach
6. Prof. Ramkrushna Panigrahi 16.09.2023 Green Accounting for Sustainable Economic Growth: Estimation of Partial Environmental Costs from Value Additions of Mining and Quarrying Sector  of Odisha State
7. Prof. Soumyajyoti Banerjee 16.09.2023 The Meaning of Loss and The Loss of Meaning”: Quest for Self and the Experience of  ‘Transcendental Existentialism’ in The Dharma Bums
8 Prof. Sangram Keshari Jena 20.10.2023 Dependence of fragile five stock markets on US monetary policy; Evidence from Quantile Coherency Analysis
9 Prof. Manit Mishra 17.11.2023 Customer experience: A holistic snapshot
10 Prof. Shreyanshu Parhi 22.12.2023 Quantifying the decentralization elements for robust smart manufacturing systems
11 Prof. Pratyush Banerjee 22.12.2023 Is AI-anxiety leading to quiet quitting phenomenon?
12 Prof. Shirshendu Ganguli 19.01.2024

Classifying Indian movie-going Audiences based on genres and theatres

13 Prof. Bindu Chhabra 19.01.2024 From loyal soldiers to bad apples: moderated mediation model of psychological entitlement and moral decoupling


S.NoFaculty DateSubject
1. Prof. Sangram Keshari Jena 17.12.2022 Is price discovery efficient and timely in index spot and futures market? A revisit with Symbolic Wavelet Transfer Entropy multiple scale analysis
2. Prof. Pratyush Banerjee 17.12.2022 Vocational mindset perspective for supporting graduate employability: a mixed-method investigation
3. Prof. Rajagopal 07.12.2022 How to Publish in Q1, Q2 journals and increase the citations
4. Prof. Ramakrushna Panigrahi 19.11.2022 Environmental Costs in SNA: Accounting for Depreciation of Natural Capital for Forestry Sector in SDP of Karnataka state, India
5. Prof. Devesh Baid 19.11.2022 When providing support can be self-destructive – Exploring effect of financial slack on backer sentiments
6. Prof. Ranjit Roy Ghatak 15.10.2022 A Fuzzy- DEMATEL Approach for Evaluating Capabilities of logistics integration in Omni-channel retailing  
7. Prof. Swayam S. Panigrahi 15.10.2022 Reverse supply chain-based E-waste management  
8. Prof. Supriti Mishra 17.09.2022 Are firms with more women directors more ethical?
9. Prof. Bindu Chhabra 17.09.2022 Desperate times, desperate measures: Exploring the dark side of job embeddedness during COVID -19 pandemic
10. Prof. Santanu Das 22.07.2022 Institutional investors, financial constraints and corporate cash holdings
11. Prof. Pritish Sahu 18.06.2022 Cost and Benefits of India’s Rejoining in RCEP: Simulation and Gravity model Approach
12. Prof. Manit Mishra 21.05.2022 Customer experience: A systematic literature review
13. Prof. Sourabh Sharma 21.05.2022 Digital Transformation and Academicians’ Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between India and Mexico


1.  Prof. Sangram Keshari Jena  16.10.2021 Volatility spillover dynamics between large, mid, and small-cap stocks in time-frequency domain: Implication for portfolio management
2.  Prof. Kapil Pandla  16.10.2021 Leveraging Employee Experience during Crisis Situation for Higher performance- Special Reference to COVID -19 pandemic
3.  Prof.RamakrushnaPanigrahi   18.09.2021 Input Subsidies and Farm Profitability in Indian Agriculture
4.  Prof. Bindu Chhabra  18.09.2021 Job insecurity as a barrier to thriving during COVID-19 pandemic: A moderated mediation model of knowledge hiding and benevolent leadership
5.  Prof. Pallavi Pandey  21.08.2021 An exploratory study on factors contributing to job dissatisfaction of retail employees in India
6.  Prof. Swayam S Panigrahi  21.08.2021 Modelling the barriers affecting the implementation of green supply chain practices: Evidences from Aluminum sector
7.  Prof. Sougata Ray  17.07.2021 Climate Change Impact and Self-Help Adaptation Strategies in the Sunderban Region of West Bengal
8.  Prof. Amit Shrivastava  19.06.2021 The Antecedents of e-commerce adoption by MSME - A study of the state of Odisha
9.  Prof. Sourabh Sharma  19.06.2021 Is virtual classroom a window into future during COVID-19? A comparative study of undergraduate and postgraduate university students in India
10.  Prof. Manit Mishra  15.05.2021 Customer experience: Extracting topics from tweets


1. Prof. Santanu Das 19.10.2020 Long term dependencies between sovereign bonds and sectoral indices of India: Evidence from Hurst exponent and wavelet analysis
2. Prof. Swayam Sampurna Panigrahi 25.09.2020 Revolutionising Supply Chains with Industry 4.0 concepts to attain sustainability
3. Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 10.07.2020 Website Structure Mining: Application & Lessons from Website Analysis
4. Prof. Pallavi Pandey 03.07.2020 Danone India: Challenges of expanding into an Emerging Market
5. Prof. Sourabh Sharma 26.06.2020 Analyzing the Impact of Online and Social Media Platforms on Students’ Academic Performance: A Comparative Study of Extraversion & Introversion Personality
6. Prof. Yamini Prakash Sahay 19.06.2020 Employee Perception of Leader Member Exchange
7. Prof. Rajesh Katiyar 09.06.2020 Analyzing the Impact Factors of Remanufacturing Industry
8. Prof. Kapil Pandla 02.06.2020 Rise and Fall of a Business Leader - Floored after hitting the Glass Ceiling
9. Prof. Rahul Gupta Choudhury 29.05.2020 Einstein, Tagore, and the Antiquity: A view of the Universe
10. Prof. Ranjit Roy Ghatak 26.05.2020 Barriers analysis for customer resource contribution in value co-creation for service industry using interpretive structural modelling
11. Prof. Pravesh Padamwar 22.05.2020 The role of cognitive reflection on attraction effect
12. Prof. Ramakrushna Panigrahi 19.05.2020 Mapping Social Dysfunction Parameters in Development Discourse – A more Robust Approach to Rank countries with HDI Attainments
13. Prof. Bindu Chhabra 15.05.2020 Paved with good intentions: Situational and dispositional influences on employees’ unethical pro-organizational behavior in Indian organizations
14. Prof. Devesh Baid 12.05.2020 Organizational performance as a multidimensional construct
15. Prof. Ramesh Behl and Prof. Manit Mishra 05.05.2020 COVID 19: Modeling for states in India
16. Prof. Supriti Mishra 01.05.2020 Perceived Organisational Support and Organisational Commitment: Moderating role of Person-Organisation Fit
17. Prof. Santanu Das 28.04.2020 The dynamics of corporate cash holdings? Evidence from emerging Asia
18. Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 27.01.2020 COE Effect, China and Indian perception - Roadblocks and Extensions?


S. NoFacultyDateSubject
1. Prof. Rajagopal 30.11.2019 Contemporary trends in writing and publishing research papers
2. Prof. Rajagopal 29.11.2019 Reverse Innovation and Impact on Global Business
3. Prof. Pallavi Pandey 22.11.2019 An inductive exploration of factors leading to employee dissatisfaction in the Indian retail industry
4. Prof. Ashish Chandra 21.10.2019 Issues and Challenges for Indian Business Professors getting publications in International Academic Journals
5. Prof. Santanu Das 17.08.2019 Conditional dependence between oil prices and sovergeign bond yields: A Garch-copula model approach
6. Prof. Sourabh Sharma 17.08.2019 An empirical study of Impulse Buying behaviour of customers and forced selling behaviour of sellers
7. Prof. Devesh Baid 17.08.2019 Chairman's letter: does it communicate something
8. Prof. Sushil Kalyani 17.08.2019 Importance of Risk Management Architecture for addressing the NPA problem in Banks in India
9. Prof. Bindu Chhabra 17.08.2019 Locus of control and work attitudes as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviour- A study of Indian IT Professionals
10 Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 16.08.2019 Customer complaints in Indian banking sector: preliminary analysis
11 Prof. Supriti Mishra 16.08.2019 Impact of diversity and inclusion climate on employee performance in the insurance and financial services sector
12 Prof. Arun Kumar Rath 16.08.2019 Challenges of Enterprise Risk Management
13 Prof. Manit Mishra 16.08.2019 Underlying dimension of trust: A review
14 Prof. R.K. Panigrahi 16.08.2019 Real Interest rate parity and fisher's open condition: empirical evidences from major economics
15 Arjya kumar Mishra 05.08.2019 Circular economy: A paradigm shift?
16 Aswini Kumar Bhuyan 25.04.2019 Accounting narratives: Analysis of Chairman’s speech
17 N.V. Subbarao 25.04.2019 Study of new hire recruitment methods and willingness
18 Prof. Devesh Baid 10.04.2019 Operational Definition of a Framework for Crowd Funding Adoption across Countries
19 Prof. Santanu Das 20.03.2019 Does corporate leverage affect accounting policy? An examination of discretionary accruals  
20 Prof. Bindu Chhabra 13.02.2019 Relationship between Work Role Stress - Employee Outcomes: Moderating Role of Core Self Evaluation  
21 Prof. Rahul Gupta Chaudhury 16.01.2019 Industry-Wise Differences in Marketing Strategy and their Influence on Performance: A Study of Manufacturing and Service Industries in India  


1. Prof. Rajagopal 07.12.2018 Writing management case studies
2. Prof. Rajagopal 07.12.2018 Contemporary trends in management research
3. Prof. Rajesh Katiyar 30.10.2018 How to use Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) technique.
4. Prof. Aman Dua 20.09.2018 The assessments of quality multimodal transportation for containerized exports.
5. Prof. Arun K. Rath 24.07.2018 India and Antarctica: Geo-Political
6. Prof. Supriti Mishra 18.04.2018 Strategic Human Resource Management: A Paradigm Shift for Achieving Competitive Advantage in Organisations
7. Prof. Sourabh Sharma 12.04.2018 Competency Evaluation for Social Media Usage: A comparative Study of Male and Female.
8. Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 26.03.2018
Rethinking Marketing Management Pedagogy
9. Prof. Manit Mishra 15.02.2018 The impact of customer relationship management (CRM) practices on customer satisfaction  
10. Prof. Santanu Das 19.01.2018 Modelling Volatility and conditional dependence of crude oil, oil subtitles and market portfolio using Copula-GARCH approach.  
11. Prof. Rahul Gupta Choudhury 19.01.2018 Contextual Factors, Strategy and Marketing Mix Decisions of Firms.


1  Prof. Rajagopal  08.12.2017  Developing Skills on Writing Cases  
2  Prof. Supriti Mishra  22.11.2017  What drives CSR in Indian Companies  
3  Prof. Devesh Baid  22.11.2017  A Study of MCS, Teachers satisfaction, Teachers stress and role of participative decision making  
4  Prof. Bindu Chhabra  12.09.2017  Impact of Demographic Variables on the Attitude towards Violence and Cooperation with Police: A study of Naxalite affected areas in Odisha  
5  Prof. R. R. Ghatak  17.08.2017  Ethics of Risk: A Supply Chain Perspective  
6 Prof. Supriti Mishra 17.05.2017 CSR Drivers – A Case of Indian Companies  
7 Prof. Manit Mishra 28.04.2017 For Millennials, “saying” and “doing” have parted ways?
8 Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 27.02 2017 Using Citavi for Bibliography Management (Advanced Tools)  
9 Prof. Rohit Vishal Kumar 13.01.2017 Using Citavi for Bibliography Management  


S. NoFacultyDateSubject
3 Prof. Rajagopal 09.12.2016 Developing Skills on Writing Case Studies
4 Prof. Rajagopal 09.12.2016 Architecting Enterprise: Managing Innovation, Technology, and Market Competitiveness
5 Prof. Bindu Chhabra 15.09.2016 Back to the Future? : Challenges and Opportunities for Indian Information Technology Industry in the New Economic Order
6 Prof. Sourabh Sharma 10.08.2016 Digital India: Innovation & Technology