Marketing, Strategy and General Management

Marketing, Strategy and General Management

The most dynamic division in any organization is its marketing unit and the Area of marketing at IMI, is an apt illustration of this vibrancy. This is reflected in all activities of the unit. Researching in real time by making use of contemporary techniques and models, publications in globally acclaimed journals have been a significant contribution of the Area to the knowledge base of Marketing theory and practice. Training and consulting assignments undertaken are commensurate reflection of the recognition and trust of the policy makers both in the corporate and the Government sector. Dissemination of marketing knowledge at IMI, thus is topically richer and experiential when uniquely exemplified with the research, training and consulting output. Constant innovation in terms of team and collaborative teaching both within the area as well as jointly with other areas like Statistics and Information Technology makes learning holistic for the learner. Design of courses in emerging areas like multivariate analytics, digital and rural marketing based on extensive primary and secondary work is an ongoing and extensive Area activity. The distinguished and learned marketing faculty at IMI is a cohesive and internationally and nationally acclaimed group and they bring with them a perfect blend of academic excellence with corporate experience. The area endeavor is constantly focused on the development of a symbiotic and long term relationship with the students, academia and the corporate world. This is accomplished by acquiring and disseminating knowledge through experiential and research based teaching and information sharing which is globally relevant and yet ethically responsible, with regards to society and environment. Strategy area has faculty members with interests in Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Sustainability. The area also offers courses on Legal aspects of Business. The one common interest that drives the area is commitment to shaping appropriate mindsets, which help organizations take decisions leading to superior performance. Raising awareness on emerging trends & helping organizations question the competence they need to build to capture the opportunities, is the raison d’être of the area. The area is extremely entrenched in providing consulting and training to help firms deal with a wide spectrum of issues and challenges. There is active research undertaken by the area members on a variety of themes with heavy emphasis on case writing. A large number of core and elective courses for the various programmes of the institute are offered by the area. There is an increasing focus through courses on Business Ethics and Sustainable Development to sensitize future leaders for carrying out socially and environmentally responsible business. The area has strong focus on Entrepreneurship Development with strong involvement in research and mentoring for start-ups. The area offers some very contemporary electives such as Strategic Innovation, Business in Emerging Markets and Principals and Practices for Corporate Governance, dealing with wide range of issues and challenges that most firms are grappling with currently. The area is also actively involved in guiding students across post graduate programs on industry projects and offers specialization for the doctoral level FPM programme of the institute.