To download the MDP Brochure (2024-25) - "click here"
To download the MDP Calendar (2024-25) - "click here"

Executive education is one of the key offerings at the International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar. The main focus of executive education through Management Development Programmes (MDP) at IMI-Bhubaneswar is to improve management systems and enable the executives to take on leadership roles. IMI-Bhubaneswar conducts a wide range of MDPs in various functional areas of management. The programmes, conducted by well experienced faculty, are well designed to provide experiential learning to the participants.

IMI-Bhubaneswar has an aesthetically designed 16 acre beautiful campus with the state-of-art educational and recreational facilities. The MDP block has fully furnished air-conditioned rooms and a well-equipped gymnasium. The IMI-Bhubaneswar campus has dedicated 200 MBPS Internet connectivity with end-to-end Wi-Fi.

Besides open MDPs, IMI-Bhubaneswar also offers customized programmes to suit the specific needs of organizations in different sectors.
For any queries, please send an e-mail to

Argha chatterjee
GM Corporate Relations
+91 98026 01715
  Sabyasachi Swain
Sr. Manager - Corporate Relations 
Email -
+91 97788 07548

1. Prof.Ramakrushna Panigrahi SAI International 37 Leadership Development & Team Mgmt for ILS & CILS/DEANS
2. Prof.Ramakrushna Panigrahi SAI International 34 Leadership Development & Team Mgmt for HODs
3. Prof.Devesh Baid NTPC Ltd 25 Businees Communication (Verbal & Writing)
4. Prof.Devesh Baid NTPC Ltd 25 Business Etiquettes & Social Etiquettes
5. Prof.Devesh Baid NTPC Ltd 25 Financial Planning
6. Prof.Ramakrushna Panigrahi SAI International 25 Soft Skill Enhancement & Customer Relationship Management
7. Prof.Manit Mishra Sambhav Kadam Foundation NA MS Excel Based Decision Making
8. Prof.Bindu Chhabra Milk Mantra 11 Developing Behavioural Competencies
9. Prof.Bindu Chhabra Milk Mantra 15 Developing Behavioural Competencies
10. Prof.Pritish Kumar Sahu Indian Oil 30 Behavioural Competencies for Managing GenZ Workforce
11. Prof.Santanu Das Open  5 Finance for Non Finance Executices
12. Prof.Pratyush Bannerjee The Clearing Corporation of India Limited 35 Python Training
13. Prof.Ramesh Behl Dinabandhu Foundation NA Train the Trainer SAP HANA
14. Prof.Ramesh Behl Dinabandhu Foundation NA Train the Trainer Workshop on SAP Anakytics Cloud 
15. Prof.Sourabh Sharma MILVEST 960 MS Excel Based Decision Making
16. Prof.Pratyush Bannerjee MILVEST  950  Data Analytics Using Power Bi 

S.No. Faculty Organisation Participants Topic
1. Prof.Bindu Chhabra TVS 24 Customer Centricity
2. Prof.Santanu Das Open 6 Financial Time Series Analysis using R
3. Prof.Pratyush Bannerjee Open 11 Hands-On HR Analytics for Non-Coders
4. Prof.Supriti Mishra Open 8 Gender Sensitization at workplace
5. Prof.Pritish Kumar Sahu IOCL 30 Enhancing Behavioural Competencies in the New Normal
6. Prof.Amit Shrivastava Union Bank 25 Creating Customer Centric Organization
7. Prof.Amit Shrivastava Union Bank 25 Creating Customer Centric Organization
8. Prof.Amit Shrivastava Union Bank 25 Creating Customer Centric Organization
9. Prof.Pratyush Bannerjee TPCODL 170 Developing Customer Centricity for Effective Customer and Stakeholder Management
10. Prof.Pritish Kumar Sahu IOCL 25 Communication Skill for Enhance Productivity
11. Prof.Devesh Baid Vedanta   Finance for Non-Finace Executives
12. Prof.Shriyanshu Parhi Open 68 Foundation of Project Management
13. Prof.Supriti Mishra OPTCL 30 Gender Sensitization at workplace *
1. Prof. Manit Mishra Open 24  How to publish in an International Journal - A holistic approach, 25 March, 2022
2.  Prof. Manit Mishra Open 17 Python for Data Analysis: An Introduction, 17 March, 2022
3.  Prof. Supriti Mishra Open 17 R for data analysis -Parametric tests, 04 March, 2022
4.  Prof. Ramakrushna Panigrahi Open 11 Case Writing in Management,18 February, 2022
5.  Prof. Amit Shrivastava 
Prof. Kapil Pandla
Open 17 Case study as a research method,11 February, 2022
6.  Prof.Sourabh Sharma VEDANTA 52 MDP on "How to make an Effective Presentation", 29-Jan-2022
7.  Prof.Sourabh Sharma VEDANTA 50 MDP on "MS Excel Based Decision Making Model" 22-Jan-2022
8.  Prof.Rajesh Katiyar AICTE 72 AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP on "Supply Chain Management", 17- 21 January, 2022
9.  Prof. Ranjit Roy Ghatak Open 8 MCDM Methods( viz. ISM, DEMATEL , and TOPSIS), 15 January, 2022
10. Prof.Amit Shrivastava AICTE 70 AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP on "Pricing Tactics & Analytics", 10- 14 January, 2022
11. Prof. Sangram Keshari Jena
& Prof. Aviral Tiwari 
Open 15 Recent Trends in Time Series Analysis, 08 January, 2022
1. Prof. Ramesh Behl Open  35  MDP ON "New-Gen Finance" , Dec - March2021 
2. Prof. Devesh Baid &
Prof. Sougata Ray
Open 15 Scale Development and Validation, 18 December, 2021
3. Prof.Bindu Chhabra AICTE 122 AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP on "Emotional Intelligence",13 - 17 Dec , 2021 
4. Prof. Pallavi Pandey Open 11 Qualitative and Mixed-Method Research, 4 December, 2021
5. Prof.Manit Mishra AICTE 132 AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP on "Data Science : Tools & Techniques", 29 Nov - 03 Dec , 2021
6. Prof.Supriti Mishra NALCO 28 MDP on "Gender Sensitization at Workplace", 25 Nov , 2021
7. Prof.Ramesh Behl Open 35 MDP ON "ERP Simulation" , 23-26 Nov, 2021
8. Prof. Devesh Baid  Open 22 Partial Least Square -Structure Equation Modelling (II), 13 November, 2021
9. Prof. Rajesh Katiyar  Open 27 Partial Least Square -Structure Equation Modelling (I), 12 November, 2021
10. Prof.Rohit Vishal Kumar AICTE 96 AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP on "Analysis of Categorical Data", 08-12 Nov, 2021
11. Prof. Ritu Singh Open 10 Covariance-Based Structure Equation Modelling, 22 October, 2021
12. Prof.Rohit Vishal Kumar Open 5 Analysing Contingency Tables, 08 October, 2021
13. Prof. Sourabh Sharma &
Prof. Bindu Chhabra
Open 13 Bivariate Analysis, 24 September, 2021
14. Prof. S. S. Panigrahi Open 22 Writing a Literature Review and Reference Management, 11 September, 2021
15. Prof. Ramesh Behl Open 35 MDP on "Leading with Emotional Intelligence,  July - August 2021
16.  Prof. Ramesh Behl Open 30 Data Ware House Cloud, 04-08 July2021
17.  Prof.Pallavi Pandey NALCO,OPTCL,
9 MDP on "The How of Happiness at Work ", 19-20 June 2021
18. Prof. Ramesh Behl Open 25 MDP on "Data Ware House Cloud" , 18-21 May 2021
19. Prof. Manit Mishra Open 52 AICTE Sponsored STTP on "Qulaity Teaching and Research",18-23 January, 2021
20. Prof. Bindu Chhabra Open 199 AICTE (ATAL) Academy Sponsored FDP on "Emotional Intteligence", 18- 22 January, 2021
21. Prof. Manit Mishra Open 72 AICTE Sponsored STTP on "Qulaity Teaching and Research",18-23 January, 2021
1. Prof. Ramesh Behl  Open  33 Train The Trainer - Workshop on ERP Simulation, 5-9 October 2020 
1. Prof. Arun Rath Open 31  Building Corporate Strategy for Effective Risk Management,27 - 29 November, 2019
2. Prof. Sourabh Sharma Vedanta Ltd 30 Advance Excel, 16 November, 2019
3. Prof. Ramesh Behl Open 15 Train the Trainer on Simulation ERP, 21 - 24 October, 2019
4. Prof. Santanu Das Open 9 FDP on Financial Time Series Analysis Using R, 19 - 21 September, 2019
5. Prof. Sourabh Sharma Vedanta Ltd 28 Advance Excel, 29th July, 2019
6. Prof. Kapil Pandla SAI International
26 Academic Leadership for SAI International School, 22 - 23 June, 2019
7. Prof. Arun K Rath
Prof. Shailendra Nigam
Open 36 Building Corporate Strategy for Effective CSR, 19 - 21 June, 2019
8. Prof. Santanu Das Open 10 Summer School on Econometric Analysis, 27 - 30 May, 2019
9. Prof. Ramesh Behl Open   FDP on Enterprise System Using SAP, 29 April - 04 May, 2019