There was an unusual calm in the air early morning. This was seemingly unusual by IMI standards. With the dawn of the day the hostel corridor was buzzing with activity. A series of team building exercises were planned to get the best out of students. While most eluded sleep, few were still drowsy.

A special team was put in place for the activity. Operation “Win over world” (WOW) was planned to make us realize the value of “team work”, to inculcate “team spirit” and of course have lots of fun. Different games required different traits from the students. While some demanded physical strength, others required tactic. Every individual was seen putting in his/her best.

The activities required team work, adaptability, planning, mutual-trust and communication. Each task touched upon different attributes of management. The activities required high degree of communication amongst team players, honing problem-solving skills, creativity and instilling faith among the teams. Tug of war in the rain was the highlight of the day. As the day progressed, the involvement reached a crescendo and so did the fun and frolic. There were emotions, smiles, high fives, punches in the air and a few disappointments. Still there was enough friendliness in the air to make students feel lively. Quite a few individuals stood out with their enthusiasm and that lifted everyone’s spirits. There were tired faces at the end, but each one of us indeed had learning and memories to take back, few that will be etched forever!

As all good things come to end, WOW ended with prize distribution ceremony. It was a day of reckoning. All of us walked off to the hostels as a strong unit ready for challenges.

We learnt: Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.