A leadership discussion with Dr. Omkar Rai, the executive chairman of startup Odisha, was hosted by IMI Bhubaneswar on July 25, 2022. It was a captivating session as part of an impact lecture series on the subject of "Design Thinking." The IT/ITES/ESDM business expanded significantly under his direction. He served as the nation's software product protagonist and actively participated in the creation of the policies necessary for the expansion of the IT sector.

Dr. Rai demonstrated a thorough overview of the constantly evolving needs of the sector. He also provided a thorough overview of the difficulties being faced by the sector and the possible remedies. He discussed the steps Startup Odisha has adopted to improve the state's ecosystem, he also encouraged entrepreneurship and highlighted the best practices in the state. He helped us understand the idea that long-term societal and economic development depends on startups, and how it promotes economic growth.

The session was interactive and insightful, and it encouraged many students to work on their startup ideas and brush up their entrepreneurial skills. The IMI incubation is an initiative of the institution to encourage students to start their own venture and Mr. Rai was really impressed by the startup ideas that our students presented.