Career Progression with an EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT programme

Prof. Sourabh Sharma (Click here for complete profile)
Programme Chairperson (PGDM-WE)
International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar

Executive PGDM/MBA is mainly designed for working professionals who wish to pursue management education for career advancement.  An executive management programme is a lot like a regular management programme. The main difference is that an executive MBA programme is primarily designed to educate working executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders who are not looking so much at career change but more at career advancement and enhancing their leadership skills. The Executive MBA is a modular Programme enabling participants to continue working.

If you’ve reached middle management level in your current profession, there’s a reason why you’re seeking out the Executive PGDM/MBA – to place you on the fast track to reach the top. And one of the key skills required of successful managers is leadership skills. Not only will the course content of an Executive MBA open your eyes to emerging management best practices, but also the interaction you have with your fellow programme participants, many of whom will bring additional culture, experience and possibly even business opportunities to the programme, will increase your awareness of the possibilities and opportunities around you. They enroll seeking to bridge the gap between their current and desired skills, so that they can play a larger role in management or shift their career path.