National Innovation Day

On October 15, 2022, the IMI Bhubaneswar Entrepreneurship Cell hosted an in-house celebration of National Innovation Day. It was a pleasure to host Ms. Abha Mishra and Mr. Jaimon Uthup, two well regarded and knowledgeable speakers from the UNDP, to spread awareness of the value of innovation and creativity in all crucial areas of human development.

 Ms. Abha Mishra talked about how innovation plays a crucial role in the expansion of a sector and how the best inventions may produce the best outcomes. Using Coca-Cola as an example, we can see how the company contributes around 90% of the world's plastic garbage. This is bad for the environment, and it is our responsibility to take action. As a member of the disaster management team, Ms. Mishra has aided numerous individuals and shared her knowledge of how people respond in trying circumstances and how she was able to assist them. After sharing her experience, Ms. Mishra conducted an SDG-based riddle-solving game where students were required to respond to questions by understanding the image; it was a delightful activity for the IMI students.

 Jaimon Uthup (Policy specialist, SDGs, UNDP-CO/INDIA, NEW DELHI) beautifully portrayed the idea of a new concept called SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and talked about the 17 sustainable development goals, which include addressing poverty, hunger, inequality, environmental degradation, etc. He also gave an overview of India's preparedness towards SDG and how SDG structure can be implemented. Keeping the current business scenario in mind, he suggested different SDGs for different kinds of startups and discussed how the SDGs are going to contribute to the growth of the startups in near future.