In a testament to its academic prowess and thought leadership, IMI Bhubaneswar basks in the glory of its esteemed director, Prof. Ramesh Behl, who was invited as the chief speaker at the prestigious National Conference on Advances in AI Systems. Organized by the PG Department of Computer Science, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, in collaboration with the IEEE GRSS Kolkata Chapter, the two-day event from 22nd to 23rd March 2024

witnessed insightful discussions on the growing impact of AI systems.

Prof. Behl's presence at the conference was a testament to his profound expertise and visionary insights in the field of artificial intelligence. As the chief speaker, he captivated the audience with his thought-provoking perspectives, shedding light on the future of AI systems and their far-reaching implications across various domains. His keynote address provided a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in AI technologies, while addressing the challenges and ethical considerations that accompany this rapidly evolving field.

The conference served as a convergence point for distinguished experts, academics, and industry professionals, fostering a rich exchange of knowledge and ideas. Prof. Behl's contributions inspired both students and fellow academics, motivating them to embrace the transformative power of AI while upholding ethical principles and responsible innovation.
IMI Bhubaneswar takes immense pride in Prof. Behl's achievement, as his involvement in such a prestigious event enhances the institute's reputation and reflects its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. The National Conference on Advances in AI Systems served as a platform for Prof. Behl to share his wealth of knowledge and experience, further solidifying IMI Bhubaneswar's position as a hub of academic excellence and thought leadership in the realm of emerging technologies".