On August 26, 2018, IMI Bhubaneswar had the privilege of hosting Mr. Aman Jain, an esteemed expert in the corporate world, for a guest lecture. Mr. Jain is currently the Vice President - Corporate HR at Sterling Holiday Resorts Limited.
During his enlightening talk, Mr. Jain shared valuable insights about the business world, drawing from his own experiences and expertise. One of the most significant lessons he imparted was on the importance of presenting ourselves effectively in an organization. He emphasized the significance of understanding different hierarchies within a company and how to respond appropriately to individuals at various levels.
Furthermore, Mr. Jain introduced the concept of using the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Test to assess one's strengths and weaknesses. This tool can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their personality traits and preferences, enabling them to make better career choices and personal development decisions.
In addition to his corporate achievements, Mr. Jain's involvement in various Young Development Programs and Outbound Facilitations highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. He shared valuable insights and practical tips on how students can effectively manage their professional and personal lives.
The guest lecture by Mr. Aman Jain proved to be an enriching experience for the students of IMI Bhubaneswar, offering them valuable lessons and perspectives from the corporate world. Such interactions with eminent experts serve as a great platform for students to stay connected with the industry and broaden their understanding of real-world business scenarios.